Thursday, December 29, 2011

And Then There Was Biting, and Wrestling

More and more they're starting to notice eachother, and follow one another, and attack one another...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my dad called Cannon, Connor...

It's a "C" right???

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Laughing, Laughing, and MORE Laughing

It's not always this amazing, but when it is, I forget about all the screaming, biting, and middle of the night waketime....

Life was good before these guys, but life is AWESOME with them...

And then they bounce and laugh at eachother...

Life is good, life is soooooo freaking good...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dinner Time Signing

The boys have been working on their signing with their babysitter.  (She's doing amazing with them).  I try to keep up with it when we get home, but I tend to forget.  Anyways, it's super fun to communicate with them in any way we can.

As you can see they are super good at TOUCHDOWN!!!

Gotta love it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Their First Halloween

This time last year I was a beach ball for Halloween and I made one block of trick or treating before turning around and going back inside. 

This year, I have DRAGONS...

Because we didn't want to get too off schedule and because Mark and I aren't big Halloween people we just dressed the boys up, took some pictures and went home to watch the Chargers lose to the Chiefs. Getting photos with the two of them looking at the same time is hard, super hard.

Cousins and Grandma. 

First family Halloween....

We also made it to the Pumpkin Patch in Seal Beach the week before.
Pretty sure they LOVED the pumpkins.

All I know is, Mark and I better get used to Trick or Treating next year....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

10 Months (and a 1/2)

These boys are so silly and goofy.  It's beyond entertaining.  Being a working mom, I try my hardest to cherish every moment with them.  Even if that means leaving their dinner stuck to their high chair trays like I did tonight. 

The boys are crawling like bulldogs, pushing things to walk and strolling along the couch.  They're attempting to mimic what Mark and I say and even starting to get clingy.  I thought we were gonna skip that phase completely.  I was wrong.  Cannon and Cooper go to just about anyone.  But recently have been noticing when Mark or me leave the room, and it's NOT pretty.  Not cute either.  But I'm sure it could be worse. 

Since the boys were 5-6 months is when I went back to work full time and the boys stayed with a nanny, child care provider, whatever you want to call her.  But what I call her is amazing.  Being able to go to work confident that the boys are in GREAT hands means a lot to me.  You would think that's an obvious, why wouldn't you leave them with someone you feel comfortable with, right?  But there is such a level of comfort, I just don't know what I would do without her.  The boys, I think, are even learning from her son.  They're starting to wave.

I even think they're funny when they're cranky.  I mean, they are seriously.  Cooper yells at people.  I know, I know, I think this is foreshadowing bad things for the future.  They both bite (but I know this is because they're teething.)  They both tense up and yell out of frustration (pretty sure that was me when I was younger.)  My Grandma had a video of me trying to drive a little firetruck and I couldn't get it going, let's just say I freaked out on it and threw my body around like a fish out of water, then proceeded to put my head on the steering wheel and pout.  I have a feeling both boys will have my temper.  Not a good thing to have.  Hopefully Mark and I will be able to teach them the right way to communicate as they get older.  But for now, clinching down on our arms, legs, hair and anything else they can get their hands, and or teeth, and or feet on will have to do.

Mark started a new job and is loving it.  He's really happy and really confident that he will succeed.  I love his confidence and I love knowing that together him and I will always make things happen.  The two of us are definitely doers and I think that's a trait too many people lack nowadays.

 Yes, I made him take off his sunglasses. 

Finding Mark and starting our family has been the highlight of my life so far.  This adventure is so much fun and words cannot describe how in love I am with my life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

DNA Testing - boys are IDENTICAL twins!!!!

Most people know already cause I posted on Facebook as soon as I found out.

The boys are Identical!

What this means egg split after the little spermies hit it. :) Did you picture it?? Did you? You're welcome for the visual.

Mark and I were told when I was 13 weeks pregnant that the way the boys were in the womb could be the result of one egg splitting (identical) or two eggs dropping (fraternal) and that the only way to be sure is with a DNA test once the boys were born. Called di-di twins. Look it up I'm not explaining it again. The test can be purchased online and mailed to you and then mailed out for results. Easy enough but it was $150.00 and with di-di twins there is only a 1 in 9 chance of them actually being identical, so we figured we'd just wait. Well after Cooper's lip repair we got lots of, "are they identical" questions. We couldn't wait anymore (or I should say...I couldn't wait anymore.) So I ordered it.

And we swabbed...

I was so impatient I bet I called the company 4+ times to see if my results were in. Ernesto who must have been the only guy in their call center knew me by name and I'm sure he thought I was the most annoying person ever...

Finding out the results was really interesting, For those of you who don't know identical twins do not run in families, it is not a trait anyone passed down to me. It was a complete fluke. We also found out that they were not d-di like we were told, but mo-di. Again, look it up...I have a twinning process post somewhere. There is a 1 and 250 chance of having identical twins. So I (for the lack of better words) achieved that and I managed to achieve having one of them born with cleft lip/cleft palate which I believe is 1 out of 700

So either you just learned something or I put you to sleep.

8 and 9 MONTHS! (yeah I suck)

Let me tell you how bad I suck. I started crocheting a blanket for the boys back in October of 2010 while on bed rest and I'm MAYBE a quarter of the way done. With that being said...

Sometime within the 8 month period the boys started, eating more solids, scooting around on the ground, cutting teeth and even started to crawl.

Then the next couple days we had this...

The boys are now nine months and full on speed crawlers, pulling themselves up on stuff and cutting top teeth. They LOVE everyone and go to anyone. They get a kick out of other kids and belly laugh everyday. They are SOOOOOOO much fun and I'm really loving this age. Cooper says, ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma (literally like that), and Cannon says da-da. I know most babies say da-da first but because of Cooper's cleft he will struggle with all the hard sounds.

The nine month weights were 18.10 (Cannon) and 15.8 (Cooper) Both still consistent for their growth. Cooper is 1/2 inch shorter than Cannon.

I can't believe the difference between two months and nine months. All of the stuff that is happening now is so worth all the crying, colic, and reflux. To see their faces light up when I walk in a room is the MOST rewarding thing in the world. Better than any paycheck or any good news for that matter.

Now let's see how the 10-11 month post goes if they're walking.... I may have a different attitude.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brotherly Love (Kind of...)

And so it begins...

I couldn't help but laugh. I'm assuming it's only going to get more interesting

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sleeping Babies

I love it when they go to sleep.  I really enjoy the quiet time.  Now if only I was sure I wasn't going to be woken up in about 4-5 hours I'd be really happy. 

I love these babies, but I miss my sleep.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Girl's Weekend - My First Trip Away as a MOM

Life is rough...

This year girl's weekend was combined with my Bachelorette party.  A big group of girl's get together every year to take a small break from the day-to-day stuff and enjoy the sun, good company, and yummy cocktails!  I look forward to this weekend EVERY year.  But this year was a little different.  It would be my first time leaving the boys overnight (3 nights actually) and I wasn't sure how I was going to do.  Well actually that's a lie.  I knew how I was going to do.  I was going to miss them like crazy and before I even got to the river I was looking forward to getting home to them on Sunday.  But I knew I would have no problem leaving them.  Not one tear was shed when leaving them.  The boys were with Mark and I couldn't have been anymore comfortable.  I knew me taking a break would make me that much better when I came home.

Off to the weekend we go... Left Thursday day in my mom's RV.  Came home Sunday in the RV.  :)

  DUH! Everything else in between is TOP secret and if I told you I wouldn't be invited back.  I will say this though... I'm very grateful to have people in my life like Kathy and Korina who opened their home and weekend to me and made it about me instead of the normal weekend.  Korina made fun shirts for everyone and someone I had never met in my life baked me a cake (I won't say what kind of cake).  Like who does that?  An extremely unselfish person that's for sure.  Thanks Holli!  So glad I got to meet you.  My mom who let a whole bunch of people stay in her RV and drive us out there.  Not to mention she knows how to have a good time.  My sister hooked everyone up with nice little goody bags.  They were cute.  A seven hour river float allowed me to learn things about people I didn't know and hear some very interesting and even touching life stories.  You can learn a lot about someone by listening to them tell a story about themselves.  I enjoyed listening and laughing with a bunch of fun and entertaining women.

My weekend was fun, but as I floated away from the sandbar I watched a group of young 20 something year old females dancing on a boat with a bunch of 20 something year old guys and I remembered how that used to be me.  I looked at them in their two pieces and EXTRA care free and looked at myself in my tankini thinking I should probably drink a water cause I don't want to be hungover and giggled inside.  I loved that part of my life...But I love this part more...

Until next year girl's weekend...we shall meet again...

Monday, July 18, 2011


Love this picture!!!  As you can see, the boys are sitting up now.  They really enjoy the new views and seeing things from a new angle.  It is really easy to make them laugh and we all love to get them going.  Now I don't know exactly how much they know that the other one is around but if they are sitting together facing each other they do babble and giggle together. (This was shot on the 9th of July on my phone.)

I love watching them interact (whether they know it or not).  I like to think they're super advanced and they just have this crazy intuition with one another.  I can think that right?

 Look at this happy guy!  His nose and lip are still pretty sensitive to the touch but we're really happy with his surgery results.

Still a silly guy!  Still chatting it up with anything and everything.  And when Cannon is hungry or tired he'll tell you and it's not pretty.  I swear he throws tantrums already.

Both both are so curious and love to grab at everything.  They swivel on their bellies to turn in different directions and bring their knees up under their bellies.  My prediction is that they will be crawling before nine months (and I'm scared).  They are both eating two meals a day, lunch and dinner.  They have tried many things so far:

Peas, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, prunes, bananas, apples, pears, mango, avocado and just recently I even boiled them chicken.  The pediatrician has given the okay to go ahead with the proteins and up to 3 meals a day but I don't think I'm ready to do 3 clean up sessions a day.  The boys tend to like the vegies more than the fruits (but Cannon eats it ALL).  Cooper tends to reject fruits that I think may burn if they come out of his nose.  (pears and apples)  Because of his cleft palate it's a little more challenging for him to eat solids and it's normal for it to come out of his nose.  It's actually guaranteed.  I do my best to protect my clothes every time I see him getting ready to sneeze cause food goes EVERYWHERE. 

The wedding is around the corner... It's not the easiest thing to plan and stay on top of while dealing with two little monsters, but I wouldn't want it any other way.  Mark and I have decided we want to add more to our family in the future.  When that's going to happen, we're not sure...

Identical or fraternal?  We're still not sure. Only a DNA test will tell and there's no real reason to hurry to find out. (except for allergy issues)

Life is good.  It's tough sometimes, but it's fun.

Monday, July 4, 2011

MAD props to the single moms

The flu has been going around my family and yesterday it was Mark's turn. I spent all day taking care of two needy babies.  They're in a very NEEDY phase right now.  According to the book I reference The Wonder Weeks they are learning depth perception.  Basically if I'm more than three feet away from them, they're not happy campers.  The day took every single last ounce of patience that I had.  

Yesterday made me think about single moms.  How in the F do they do it?  Mothers with significant others barely get breaks, but if I need 30 minutes to myself all I have to do is ask Mark and he says sure.  (which I asked for just to write this post.)  Single moms don't have that option; don't have a partner to say, "your turn."  Part of me wants to feel bad and sorry for them cause they don't have what I have but a bigger part of me wants to acknowledge what awesome and strong people they are.  There is no way I could do this by myself for 24 hours a day. 

While playing with the boys on the floor or trying to get them to go down for naps I thought about the Saturdays and Sundays I used to spend watching movies ALL day.  Taking a day to myself and doing NOTHING.  I daydreamed about doing that yesterday.  I even tried to watch a movie while watching the boys.  It must have taken me 4 hours to get through a 2 hour movie.  It just wasn't the same.  Even now as I sit here taking my 30 minutes I'm feeling guilty that Mark is taking care of the boys so I'm not really even 'relaxing'.  I guess this is me getting some things off my chest. 

Everyone told me life would change and I knew it would but this is an experience everyone has to go through and experience for themselves.  My sister told me about this day.  That was yesterday.  The day it really hits you.  That you are a mother the rest of your life. 

I am so grateful that I do not have to go through this alone.  I have a great partner in life and have an AMAZING support group.  Where I do not feel all single mothers go through motherhood "alone", I must give you mad props for all your hard work.  I hope you get your "30 minutes" every once and a while. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


 Pretty sure every time I start one of this 'month' posts, I start it with how fast time is flying by.  It's going so fast that I have been falling behind in posting. I can't put into words how fast time goes when you have kids.  Sometimes I have to remind myself to sit and breathe.

Cooper and Cannon are rolling over like crazy.  They're trying to sit up on their own too but still not all that great at it and end up nose diving into the floor.  They're both getting one - two solid meals a day and starting to drink 5-6 oz of formula in their bottles about 6 times a day.  Both boys get a kick out of me and Mark.  They enjoy being entertained by us any way we can.  I'm unsure of their weights right now cause we still haven't been to their six month check up.  My guess is 17 and close to 14 pounds.  We will see next Wednesday. 

Ever since Cooper's surgery, he's been an eating machine.

We stopped giving Cannon his medicine for his reflux and he seems to be doing fine without it.  Cannon tends to refuse some bottles ever since we started him on solids, it seems like he's going to like his food.

Both boys are really funny. (But I would say that, they're my kids right?)  Cannon loves talking.  He loves talking PERIOD.  He'll talk to anyone, talk to himself, he even talks himself to sleep.  He's still a really silly, overall low key baby.  Cooper loves his mommy, he is most comfortable with me and still enjoys being held A LOT.  We have also entered the teething phase.  The boys can't go more than 30 minutes without soaking their shirts with drool.  They have their hands in their mouths as much as they can.  They have just recently started sleeping on their bellies and every once and a while will sleep 7-8 hours straight.  Mark and I LOVE those nights. 

An update on me and Mark. We can't believe the wedding is in 10 weeks.  I've been struggling to get rid of this baby weight and still have at least 15 pounds to go.  I was doing well for a while when the boys were keeping me so busy I didn't have time to eat nor did I have an appetite.  The appetite is back and there's a little more downtime now that we have established a bedtime routine with the boys.  I have been easing my way back into full time at work.  I recently got offered a few more perks and benefits to come back full time and the offer was a blessing.  I knew having two babies would cost a lot but until the costs starting rolling in I really didn't understand.  Since I made the decision to formula feed we pay anywhere between $250-$275 a month in formula.  That's an F'ing car payment! For this reason only, I cannot wait until the boys turn one and I can move to whole milk and then soon after sippy cups.  Mark has been working really hard lately, he's always on the phone trying to close deals and provide for us.  I admire and love his hard work and dedication.  He then comes home and applies those same things to his home life, plus some.  We're finding it really hard to find time for one another.  Some things tend to slip through the cracks cause so much time and energy is devoted to the boys.  We have not had a day or evening to ourselves since March and I definitely think it's needed.  I can't wait til our wedding night!  The thought of spending the night together alone and being able to sleep in and not have to sleep next to a monitor will be really nice.  I absolutely can't wait to change my last name and be able to officially call him my husband.  I can be a very difficult woman to please and be around and Mark puts up with all of me (most of time).  I can honestly say that we are a really good couple and I'm still really excited for our future as a couple and as a family.  Since we've been together, life has thrown some pretty interesting curves our way, but with the two of us side by side, we handle it all really well and enjoy it all.  Through the struggles, life is still really good.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cooper's Lip Repair May 17th 2011

Cooper had his lip repair surgery on the 17th of May. 

The time leading UP to his surgery was almost more nerve-racking than anything.  It was all I could think about the week before.  Part of me didn't want his face to change.  I  have now spent 5 months with this little man that looks one way and now his entire look is going to change.  Selfish I know.  I of course also didn't want to see him in pain.  The fact that a little baby can't communicate is hard.  And it was...

We had to be at the hospital at 5:30am to be admitted.  His surgery started at 7:30am.  He wasn't allowed to have any formula past 1:00am so I woke him at 12:30am and fed him.  He wasn't allowed to have anything past 4:00am so I woke up at 3:30am and fed him pedialyte.  My best friend's younger sister Kimberly watched Cannon for us so we dropped him off with her at 5:00am.  I even felt sad leaving him.  I knew it was going to be a while before I saw Cannon again and that was hard.  But I knew he was in amazing hands and am forever grateful for Kimberly and all she's done.

Right away when Cooper was admitted he was getting fussy...He was getting hungry.  Keeping him calm was a challenge and I'm sure he felt my tension.  But I was able to get him back to sleep.  At 7:15 they came and took him back.  We were only allowed to walk him down the hall and kiss him goodbye.  We (me and Mark) kissed his sleeping face and thought I was going to lose it but I didn't.  We walked back down the hall hand in hand in silence.  Mark squeezed me and I quickly remembered I was not alone.  I thought that was gonna be the hardest part.  Boy was I wrong...

In the waiting room we sat.  We were told by the surgeon he would be done by 10:30-11:00am and that he would come out to get us right away.  Mark's parents came to sit with us along with his sister and brother in law and grandma.  My older sister also came.  The support and love was amazing.  But my nerves kept me looking at the clock.  10:30am rolled around and Mark and I are saying anytime now.  10:45...11:00am.  Not cool.  I look at Mark and I see his nervous energy has his leg going one hundred miles a minute.  (Not very often do I see that.)  At 11:15ish the Doctor came out.  Mark away asks how it went and he says great.  He let's us know that he was in fact tongue tied and it was pretty severe.  He also told us his nose took a little longer than he thought to straighten out.  I wasn't listening too hard cause I just wanted to see Cooper.  He took us back to the recovery area and there was Cooper laying on his back, knocked out and all red and blotchy.  Here is Cooper right after his surgery: (taken from my phone)
Mark and I were amazed with how good he looked.  Right away I thought he looked even more like Cannon.  One by one we brought family back to see him and once it was just me and Mark again Cooper decided to wake up.  He woke up LIVID.  The doctor told us he would but this was terrible.  I tried so hard to hold him to calm him down but I couldn't let his face touch anything and he was not feeling well AT ALL. (can you blame him?)  As his mom I felt helpless.  I was shushing him, bouncing him, just trying to hold him but nothing would work.  It didn't help that we didn't have our own room yet and recovery was this big area that was divided by curtains and there were a ton of patients recovering from their surgeries as well.  Part of me felt bad for them but I bigger part if me felt horrible for my son.  I felt like I did this to him, I put him through this.  As silly as it sounds and I know he would eventually choose this surgery for himself I still feel bad making this decision for such a small helpless child and then not being able to comfort him, ugh I felt like a failure. 

About an hour into recovery they transferred us to the pediatric floor and told us Cooper would be staying the night.  I was bummed.  I knew then I wouldn't be seeing Cannon anytime soon and that they also felt Cooper NEEDED to be there.  They gave him some more morphine and we got him calmed down in a bouncy seat in a hospital crib.  After a few hours we switched to tylenol with codine and that pretty much sedated Cooper for four hours at a time.  Each time we had to wake him to administer meds I changed him and tried to syringe feed him some pedialyte.  I sent Mark home that evening to stay with Cannon cause there was no where for him to sleep in the hospital anyways.

 We had visitors during the day...
Mommy and Daddy and Coop in the background.

The next morning the doctor stopped back by and was very surprised to see Cooper had not bruised at all.  He gave us the go-ahead to try to bottle feed while not allowing Cooper to use his lips too much.  So we went back to the haberman feeder where we can squeeze the formula into his mouth for him.  He also said we could leave whenever we felt comfortable. Right away I knew I wanted to get going.  I wanted to get Cooper in his environment and wanted to see my Cannon ball.  :)  The doc prescribed Cooper tylenol with codine to take home.

We got home by noon on Wednesday and my mom was watching Cannon for us and of course had cleaned our apartment and done our laundry (SCORE)!  I'm glad we brought him home, he seemed so much more comfortable in his own element. 

It's now day 10 and Cooper is still somewhat demanding and cranky.  If he's awake, he wants to be held, BUT he has to be moving while he's held.  That would be fine but he's a twin and has a brother that has needs too.  All week after the surgery family took days off to come and help.  They are a Godsend.  Amazing people...we have an amazing family.


Thursday, May 26, 2011


I'm getting bad at keeping up.  I really need to work on it.  The boys are actually 5.5 months as I'm writing this.

Boys: About 15 and 11 pounds.  I get full on no teeth smiles and laughs!  It's awesome.  Both boys laugh now and it's like my mission everyday to hear it.  Every time they laugh they also get the hiccups...weird... Both boys are developmentally doing the same things.  Cannon tends to do things a day or so ahead of Cooper but for the most part they are both changing like crazy everyday.  They are reaching and grabbing things now which is fun to watch.  Cooper likes my phone and Cannon LOVES pulling blankets up over his face to go to sleep.  (I don't of course).  Cannon has also found his thumb.  As much as I don't want it, it's kinda better than replacing a pacifier every 10 minutes.  Cooper can't keep ANYTHING out of his mouth.  I know he's gonna be the one eating bugs and dirt.  Gross.  The boys love the exersaucer and LOVE being bounced and talked to.  They are horrible nappers and it's driving me nuts.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our trip to Sac-Town

My younger sister just had her second baby (in March-playing catch up with my posts) and me and my older sister went up with all four of our kids to see her.

The drive up was better then I expected.  The boys slept most of the drive and we stopped to feed 2-3 times and only had to pull off for one freak out cry session. (thanks Cannon)

I'm glad I got to see my sister and her family and it was a nice little break from being in the house all the time.

This is Logan...

Need I say more?

 My older sister Devon, her two kids, and cranky Cooper.

Little sister Darcy with Cassie in the moby wrap. (The only picture I have of Cassie NOT on her boob.)

Cannon LOVES Garet
Sister helping out with Cooper

It was a fun mini-trip.  I wish my sister lived closer, I know we'd benefit from one another.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is when you question things... or at least I do

You know how some of us have those friends that are well off (financially) yet they are always so lucky and money keeps falling into their laps and then you have the friends that aren't so well off financially and they get hit hard with unlucky financial situations....

Don't you ask yourself why that is?  As an outsider, I feel like I'm in the middle, I win some, I lose some but overall I get treated fairly.  But why do some people get treated SO unfairly?  Especially when they are SUCH good people?  Why don't good things happen to good people and not only GOOD people but deserving people?  Shouldn't someone 'look out' for those people?

I guess it's where faith comes in.  Or maybe if it was stronger to begin with these questions wouldn't be asked...???  maybe???

Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. period.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


This is so hard to start so I'll just jump right in...

The 4 month doctor appointment is this Friday so I'm estimating...

Cannon: About 13 1/2 pounds.  He's sleeping anywhere from 5-7 hour stretches at night.  He's goofy and silly already.  He loves sticking his tongue out and talking very loud.  He is so fun to hang out with and is a pretty independent baby so far.  I'm afraid he may have a mild case of reflux cause he isn't eating as well as he has and tends to fuss during feeds.  He eats anywhere from 24-28 ounces a day.

Cooper: About 10 1/2 pounds.  He's sleeping anywhere from 4-6 hour stretches at night.  He's becoming a happier baby now that we've switched formulas and his poo issues are almost gone.  Him and Mark like to growl back and forth at each other.  He is definitely my cuddle bug and loves sleeping on anyone's chest and hates sleeping alone.  He is eating anywhere from 18-24 ounces a day.

The boys have somewhat noticed each other.  Where they may not know what's going on, they know something else is there.  They will stare at each other and check each other out, it's pretty fun to watch.  Makes me think of all the things they will plot against mom and dad in the future.  They have also just recently decided that naps are overrated and they'd rather stay up and be cranky.  They used to fall asleep on their own and now I am needed to rock, bounce or do SOMETHING to get them to fall asleep and then heaven forbid I try to set them down cause they'll be up as soon as I do.  I'm being told this is their 4 month wakeful period where they begin to be more aware of their surroundings.  Makes sense but it still sucks, BAD. 

I just recently went back to work part time so we hired a nanny.  She's very sweet and so far she's doing well.  Cooper had an ear infection her first day with them so you can imagine what kind of day she had.  So for her not to go running for the hills was nice cause believe me, it's hard work.  So here I go again, into another adjustment period.  I was just getting used to staying home and it was time for me to go back. Of course I know my role will always be mom, now it's like, where and what's my routine?  Where did it go?

I've been struggling with all the baby care and all the crying and the unpredictable things babies bring to the world so I've reached out to family and they've responded perfectly.  I don't know where I'd be without them.  Life is definitely a little rough at times with two babies but at of the end, I wouldn't change a thing.  I love my life.  I love my family...

kisses for your face...

happy boy

Here's to 4 more months!  May they be filled with sleepful nights and happy smiley babies...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hitting the Pavement Again

Since I found out I was pregnant LAST May (yes 2010) I stopped working out...completely! (and started eating....everything!) Well, trying to lose weight for mine and Mark's wedding in September is going to be harder than I thought. Eating better and less alone won't cut it. I have to find the time to workout. I've gotten on a treadmill about 10ish times since I've been cleared by my OB, but been afraid to get outside and run. Why? Probably because I'm scared I'll get so tired I'll want to stop and then realize I've gotten too far from home and have to walk back or maybe because I feel everything jiggle and bounce like it's never done before and people driving by don't need to get in an accident while watching things jiggle that shouldn't be jiggling.

But it's gotta happen...the boys have been cranky butts recently, so I took them to my parents on Sunday, dropped them off and hit the pavement. I lasted about 25-30 minutes probably only ran 1.5 miles. I jogged for at least 15 minutes which is good considering on the treadmill I was only jogging 5 minutes before tiring.

But here's the interesting part that I noticed, running is different to me now. I view it differently. Sure, I NEED to do it to lose some weight and get into shape again but I feel differently when I'm running now. It's freeing now, I feel like I'm escaping for a bit. I guess it comes along with being a first time mom, having TWO babies, adjusting to all the new things that have come into MY life that started OUR life. So running is my time. A quick 20-30 minutes where I can let go of all the WE stuff and think about the ME stuff. Let it all go on the pavement, pound it out kinda... hopefully sooner rather than later it can increase to 45 minutes.

Not to mention, I LOVE wearing my lululemons.  I also like wearing my new shoes my brother got me for my birthday.  I don't know what it is about workout clothes...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cooper Stuff - Lip repair date set

Cooper's noises sound very different from Cannon's because of his cleft palate. This is the reason why timing of the palate repair is important. The palate needs to be repaired before babies start to speak. Because your palate (the roof of your mouth) is also your nose floor (and Cooper is missing part of his) he may sound nasally as he starts to talk. It also sounds gurgally, I'm not sure if that's cleft related or just him keeping formula in his mouth...

He brings joy to me every morning and frustration to me every evening...

The first surgery is set! May 17th he will get his lip repaired and his nose reworked. So many emotions, I'm happy for him, but am not looking forward to the discomfort the days after surgery will bring.

Mark's Birthday Events!

Mark's birthday was on the 24th and to celebrate we did a few things.  I surprised him with a trip to Catalina to go ziplining!

I wouldn't tell Mark where we were headed til we got on the freeway AFTER we dropped the boys off at the sitters.  Our morning started at 3:30 am, with feedings.  From there we got ready and out the door with the boys at 4:30am, dropped them off at 5:00am and headed down to Long Beach to get on a 6:15am boat to Catalina.  I puked on the boat ride over (I get sick in the passenger seat of the car).  we got to the island, ate breakfast and that's where he guessed we would be ziplining.  Ziplining was a rush!  We loved it!
Mark debating on the bus ride up.
The view from each zip was pretty cool.
Mark getting ready to take off on zip #1
Gotta take a big step out and he goes
There I go!

my ride...

Mark's last ride

The day was tons of fun but Mark and I were exhausted from waking up so early.  We both took motion sickness pills before getting back on the boat at 3:00pm and slept the whole hour boat ride home.  I was really happy to pick up the boys.  Mark and I had an amazing adventure day!

We also were able to go to a King's game on his actual birthday...they played San Jose and won in a shootout!! Very fun and intense game, we had pretty good seats too.

The following Saturday we met more family and friends for dinner and a few beers at our local bar.  I hope Mark had as much fun on his 31st birthday than I did...  Love you babe!

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