Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Million Times Blessed

Staying home with the boys means (besides talking to 3 month olds) that I have a lot of time to think to myself.  Where Mark thinks this is a bad thing (cause I call him each time I remember about something that needs to be done) it gives me time to sit back and appreciate everything that I have.

I don't remember how I started thinking about it the another night but I know Mark and I were talking about faith and love, my brain tends to branch and this is where the convo led...

Growing up, my parents never made me get a job, they allowed me to play sports full time and supported every decision that I made.  My parents both worked full time (my mom even working nights so she could make my games).  What I'm trying to say is, I was given everything.  I spent many teen AND young adult years wanting so many things (material and not) and dwelling on the things I did not have.

Now, I still want things, I still see myself as a selfish person but I'm trying to concentrate on the things I DO have...and when I do; I really have a lot.  Here comes the corny life is so full of good it's insane.  So full of everything!  I have material items many cannot afford, so many luxury items, cable, YES it's a luxury item!  I have great loyal friends I know I can call anytime.  I have amazing parents and siblings who I'm very close to.  I have soon to be great in-laws that are also very close and amazing people with nothing but love.  Dude! I have two beautiful babies that are healthy and thriving. AND I have this man in my life who makes me want to be better everyday.

So many people want so many and things and forget that all you need is often right in front of you.  Simple concept that is said often but very rarely taken into consideration.  I LOVE everything that I have.  I'm grateful, appreciative and a million times blessed.

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