Monday, March 7, 2011

Cranio Appt #2

We met with Cooper's craniofacial team today and it looks like they're okay with setting a date for his lip repair.  I should be getting a phone call from the surgeon's scheduler within the next few days and we will set a date for the middle of April.  A few days prior to his surgery we'll go back in to check his weight again and check blood levels and make sure he is well enough to proceed. (If not it will be postponed)  The surgeon said he will most likely stay the night in the hospital just to be monitored. 

During his lip repair he will also get his nose straightened out.  The recovery period is 7-10 days.  Cooper will wear casts over his elbows so he can not touch his face.

I have some mixed emotions about it all. I like his face the way it is.  I hate holding his pacifier in his mouth in the middle of the night.  I don't want to see him in pain or an any discomfort.  I don't want to spend the night without him.  I don't want people to keep starring at him the way they do. 

I'm sure he'll do great, the kid got mine and Mark's spunk plus some more.  I know that none of this will hold him back from anything he wants to do, ever.  He is a little rockstar.

Cooper's Cleft Palate

1 comment:

  1. He's so stinking cute! I would miss it too if I were you. He will do great, babies are so resilient.


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