Monday, July 18, 2011


Love this picture!!!  As you can see, the boys are sitting up now.  They really enjoy the new views and seeing things from a new angle.  It is really easy to make them laugh and we all love to get them going.  Now I don't know exactly how much they know that the other one is around but if they are sitting together facing each other they do babble and giggle together. (This was shot on the 9th of July on my phone.)

I love watching them interact (whether they know it or not).  I like to think they're super advanced and they just have this crazy intuition with one another.  I can think that right?

 Look at this happy guy!  His nose and lip are still pretty sensitive to the touch but we're really happy with his surgery results.

Still a silly guy!  Still chatting it up with anything and everything.  And when Cannon is hungry or tired he'll tell you and it's not pretty.  I swear he throws tantrums already.

Both both are so curious and love to grab at everything.  They swivel on their bellies to turn in different directions and bring their knees up under their bellies.  My prediction is that they will be crawling before nine months (and I'm scared).  They are both eating two meals a day, lunch and dinner.  They have tried many things so far:

Peas, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, prunes, bananas, apples, pears, mango, avocado and just recently I even boiled them chicken.  The pediatrician has given the okay to go ahead with the proteins and up to 3 meals a day but I don't think I'm ready to do 3 clean up sessions a day.  The boys tend to like the vegies more than the fruits (but Cannon eats it ALL).  Cooper tends to reject fruits that I think may burn if they come out of his nose.  (pears and apples)  Because of his cleft palate it's a little more challenging for him to eat solids and it's normal for it to come out of his nose.  It's actually guaranteed.  I do my best to protect my clothes every time I see him getting ready to sneeze cause food goes EVERYWHERE. 

The wedding is around the corner... It's not the easiest thing to plan and stay on top of while dealing with two little monsters, but I wouldn't want it any other way.  Mark and I have decided we want to add more to our family in the future.  When that's going to happen, we're not sure...

Identical or fraternal?  We're still not sure. Only a DNA test will tell and there's no real reason to hurry to find out. (except for allergy issues)

Life is good.  It's tough sometimes, but it's fun.

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