Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is when you question things... or at least I do

You know how some of us have those friends that are well off (financially) yet they are always so lucky and money keeps falling into their laps and then you have the friends that aren't so well off financially and they get hit hard with unlucky financial situations....

Don't you ask yourself why that is?  As an outsider, I feel like I'm in the middle, I win some, I lose some but overall I get treated fairly.  But why do some people get treated SO unfairly?  Especially when they are SUCH good people?  Why don't good things happen to good people and not only GOOD people but deserving people?  Shouldn't someone 'look out' for those people?

I guess it's where faith comes in.  Or maybe if it was stronger to begin with these questions wouldn't be asked...???  maybe???

Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. period.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I just can't even fathom being in that situation.


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