Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hitting the Pavement Again

Since I found out I was pregnant LAST May (yes 2010) I stopped working out...completely! (and started eating....everything!) Well, trying to lose weight for mine and Mark's wedding in September is going to be harder than I thought. Eating better and less alone won't cut it. I have to find the time to workout. I've gotten on a treadmill about 10ish times since I've been cleared by my OB, but been afraid to get outside and run. Why? Probably because I'm scared I'll get so tired I'll want to stop and then realize I've gotten too far from home and have to walk back or maybe because I feel everything jiggle and bounce like it's never done before and people driving by don't need to get in an accident while watching things jiggle that shouldn't be jiggling.

But it's gotta happen...the boys have been cranky butts recently, so I took them to my parents on Sunday, dropped them off and hit the pavement. I lasted about 25-30 minutes probably only ran 1.5 miles. I jogged for at least 15 minutes which is good considering on the treadmill I was only jogging 5 minutes before tiring.

But here's the interesting part that I noticed, running is different to me now. I view it differently. Sure, I NEED to do it to lose some weight and get into shape again but I feel differently when I'm running now. It's freeing now, I feel like I'm escaping for a bit. I guess it comes along with being a first time mom, having TWO babies, adjusting to all the new things that have come into MY life that started OUR life. So running is my time. A quick 20-30 minutes where I can let go of all the WE stuff and think about the ME stuff. Let it all go on the pavement, pound it out kinda... hopefully sooner rather than later it can increase to 45 minutes.

Not to mention, I LOVE wearing my lululemons.  I also like wearing my new shoes my brother got me for my birthday.  I don't know what it is about workout clothes...

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome! If it every stops raining where I am I am getting my arse outside to run and making the hubs watch ALL the kids ;) You go girl!


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