Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is when you question things... or at least I do

You know how some of us have those friends that are well off (financially) yet they are always so lucky and money keeps falling into their laps and then you have the friends that aren't so well off financially and they get hit hard with unlucky financial situations....

Don't you ask yourself why that is?  As an outsider, I feel like I'm in the middle, I win some, I lose some but overall I get treated fairly.  But why do some people get treated SO unfairly?  Especially when they are SUCH good people?  Why don't good things happen to good people and not only GOOD people but deserving people?  Shouldn't someone 'look out' for those people?

I guess it's where faith comes in.  Or maybe if it was stronger to begin with these questions wouldn't be asked...???  maybe???

Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. period.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


This is so hard to start so I'll just jump right in...

The 4 month doctor appointment is this Friday so I'm estimating...

Cannon: About 13 1/2 pounds.  He's sleeping anywhere from 5-7 hour stretches at night.  He's goofy and silly already.  He loves sticking his tongue out and talking very loud.  He is so fun to hang out with and is a pretty independent baby so far.  I'm afraid he may have a mild case of reflux cause he isn't eating as well as he has and tends to fuss during feeds.  He eats anywhere from 24-28 ounces a day.

Cooper: About 10 1/2 pounds.  He's sleeping anywhere from 4-6 hour stretches at night.  He's becoming a happier baby now that we've switched formulas and his poo issues are almost gone.  Him and Mark like to growl back and forth at each other.  He is definitely my cuddle bug and loves sleeping on anyone's chest and hates sleeping alone.  He is eating anywhere from 18-24 ounces a day.

The boys have somewhat noticed each other.  Where they may not know what's going on, they know something else is there.  They will stare at each other and check each other out, it's pretty fun to watch.  Makes me think of all the things they will plot against mom and dad in the future.  They have also just recently decided that naps are overrated and they'd rather stay up and be cranky.  They used to fall asleep on their own and now I am needed to rock, bounce or do SOMETHING to get them to fall asleep and then heaven forbid I try to set them down cause they'll be up as soon as I do.  I'm being told this is their 4 month wakeful period where they begin to be more aware of their surroundings.  Makes sense but it still sucks, BAD. 

I just recently went back to work part time so we hired a nanny.  She's very sweet and so far she's doing well.  Cooper had an ear infection her first day with them so you can imagine what kind of day she had.  So for her not to go running for the hills was nice cause believe me, it's hard work.  So here I go again, into another adjustment period.  I was just getting used to staying home and it was time for me to go back. Of course I know my role will always be mom, now it's like, where and what's my routine?  Where did it go?

I've been struggling with all the baby care and all the crying and the unpredictable things babies bring to the world so I've reached out to family and they've responded perfectly.  I don't know where I'd be without them.  Life is definitely a little rough at times with two babies but at of the end, I wouldn't change a thing.  I love my life.  I love my family...

kisses for your face...

happy boy

Here's to 4 more months!  May they be filled with sleepful nights and happy smiley babies...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hitting the Pavement Again

Since I found out I was pregnant LAST May (yes 2010) I stopped working out...completely! (and started eating....everything!) Well, trying to lose weight for mine and Mark's wedding in September is going to be harder than I thought. Eating better and less alone won't cut it. I have to find the time to workout. I've gotten on a treadmill about 10ish times since I've been cleared by my OB, but been afraid to get outside and run. Why? Probably because I'm scared I'll get so tired I'll want to stop and then realize I've gotten too far from home and have to walk back or maybe because I feel everything jiggle and bounce like it's never done before and people driving by don't need to get in an accident while watching things jiggle that shouldn't be jiggling.

But it's gotta happen...the boys have been cranky butts recently, so I took them to my parents on Sunday, dropped them off and hit the pavement. I lasted about 25-30 minutes probably only ran 1.5 miles. I jogged for at least 15 minutes which is good considering on the treadmill I was only jogging 5 minutes before tiring.

But here's the interesting part that I noticed, running is different to me now. I view it differently. Sure, I NEED to do it to lose some weight and get into shape again but I feel differently when I'm running now. It's freeing now, I feel like I'm escaping for a bit. I guess it comes along with being a first time mom, having TWO babies, adjusting to all the new things that have come into MY life that started OUR life. So running is my time. A quick 20-30 minutes where I can let go of all the WE stuff and think about the ME stuff. Let it all go on the pavement, pound it out kinda... hopefully sooner rather than later it can increase to 45 minutes.

Not to mention, I LOVE wearing my lululemons.  I also like wearing my new shoes my brother got me for my birthday.  I don't know what it is about workout clothes...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cooper Stuff - Lip repair date set

Cooper's noises sound very different from Cannon's because of his cleft palate. This is the reason why timing of the palate repair is important. The palate needs to be repaired before babies start to speak. Because your palate (the roof of your mouth) is also your nose floor (and Cooper is missing part of his) he may sound nasally as he starts to talk. It also sounds gurgally, I'm not sure if that's cleft related or just him keeping formula in his mouth...

He brings joy to me every morning and frustration to me every evening...

The first surgery is set! May 17th he will get his lip repaired and his nose reworked. So many emotions, I'm happy for him, but am not looking forward to the discomfort the days after surgery will bring.

Mark's Birthday Events!

Mark's birthday was on the 24th and to celebrate we did a few things.  I surprised him with a trip to Catalina to go ziplining!

I wouldn't tell Mark where we were headed til we got on the freeway AFTER we dropped the boys off at the sitters.  Our morning started at 3:30 am, with feedings.  From there we got ready and out the door with the boys at 4:30am, dropped them off at 5:00am and headed down to Long Beach to get on a 6:15am boat to Catalina.  I puked on the boat ride over (I get sick in the passenger seat of the car).  we got to the island, ate breakfast and that's where he guessed we would be ziplining.  Ziplining was a rush!  We loved it!
Mark debating on the bus ride up.
The view from each zip was pretty cool.
Mark getting ready to take off on zip #1
Gotta take a big step out and off...here he goes
There I go!

my ride...

Mark's last ride

The day was tons of fun but Mark and I were exhausted from waking up so early.  We both took motion sickness pills before getting back on the boat at 3:00pm and slept the whole hour boat ride home.  I was really happy to pick up the boys.  Mark and I had an amazing adventure day!

We also were able to go to a King's game on his actual birthday...they played San Jose and won in a shootout!! Very fun and intense game, we had pretty good seats too.

The following Saturday we met more family and friends for dinner and a few beers at our local bar.  I hope Mark had as much fun on his 31st birthday than I did...  Love you babe!

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