Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Million Times Blessed

Staying home with the boys means (besides talking to 3 month olds) that I have a lot of time to think to myself.  Where Mark thinks this is a bad thing (cause I call him each time I remember about something that needs to be done) it gives me time to sit back and appreciate everything that I have.

I don't remember how I started thinking about it the another night but I know Mark and I were talking about faith and love, my brain tends to branch and this is where the convo led...

Growing up, my parents never made me get a job, they allowed me to play sports full time and supported every decision that I made.  My parents both worked full time (my mom even working nights so she could make my games).  What I'm trying to say is, I was given everything.  I spent many teen AND young adult years wanting so many things (material and not) and dwelling on the things I did not have.

Now, I still want things, I still see myself as a selfish person but I'm trying to concentrate on the things I DO have...and when I do; I really have a lot.  Here comes the corny life is so full of good it's insane.  So full of everything!  I have material items many cannot afford, so many luxury items, cable, YES it's a luxury item!  I have great loyal friends I know I can call anytime.  I have amazing parents and siblings who I'm very close to.  I have soon to be great in-laws that are also very close and amazing people with nothing but love.  Dude! I have two beautiful babies that are healthy and thriving. AND I have this man in my life who makes me want to be better everyday.

So many people want so many and things and forget that all you need is often right in front of you.  Simple concept that is said often but very rarely taken into consideration.  I LOVE everything that I have.  I'm grateful, appreciative and a million times blessed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunny Sunny Thursday

It was beautiful outside today.  The boys and I got out for a walk.  I love the way they stare at me...

He loves to stick his tongue out. I stick mine out back at him.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Now it's official.  It was going to be the 2nd but we decided on the 4th instead.  September is going to come so fast.  I have a lot of weight to lose.

I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams, the puzzle piece that fits my puzzle.  :)
Mark-hanging with Cannon and our niece Callie (nice stash)

3 MONTHS!!!!

"Brother, you can always lean on me."

I think we've hit a turning point!  So much is happening everyday so fast if I blink I may miss it.  Here's what's been happening...
Cannon is just over 12 lbs and Cooper is just over 9.  They've both been eating between 17-24 ounces of formula a day. I have one more freezer bag of breast milk stored, not sure what I'm waiting for.   Both boys are smiling and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a laugh out of Cannon any day now.  I can tell they know who I am now and that's a really good feeling.  Mark and I can both get them to smile (most of the time-this photo shoot was another story).  They're holding up their heads really well so I broke these seats out.

Both boys are cooing and ahhing.  Cannon's head is really flat so I'm working on getting him off his back, but he LOVES to lay flat on his back.  They're responding to my looks and my voice (no head turning to look for it) but they respond with their facial expressions and as small as that seems, it's HUGE to me.  (I'm sure you moms know what I'm talking about)  I'm really starting to love what I do and the stress of the 'new mommy' stuff is going away (kinda).  These small milestones are making me really excited to see what's next.  Still no sleeping through the night but that's okay because mark and I started working the nights in shifts.  He helps out a TON when he gets home from work, I go to bed around 9:00ish he cleans up from dinner and bottles and takes care of the boys from 9:00 pm - 1:00 am.  I then take the 1:00 am - 5:00 am shift.  We both end up feeding both boys once within each shift.
I try to give the boys tummy time during the day to work on their head strength and to get them off their backs.  Cooper loves him tummy.  He's gonna be a tummy sleeper.  Cannon, not so much. 
Cannon is swatting at things - I'm just not sure it's on purpose. the blanket that Cannon is laying on is from his cousin Genevieve, she made it for him.

Even though it may not look like it here, the boys are diggin bath time.  It's becoming part of our bedtime routine, well I hope it is...I need Mark to help.  :)

So things are getting better, not that they were bad.  I just see a light...a this is going to be fun light.

"Mom!!! Cannon elbowed me!!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday and The Geneticist

We had another appointment today.  It was with the geneticist that we saw prenatally.  I really like her.  She wanted to see Cooper to check if there were any syndromes or disabilities that could be related to the cleft.  So she did some developmental exercises with him.  He was doing everything a 6 week old should do. (this is the boys' ADJUSTED age) and most things a 12 week old does (their ACTUAL age).  This is all do to his prematurity.  He does still clinch his fists pretty tight which is a newborn thing and he should have begun to relax his upper extremities by now so I have to work with him a bit.  I had also noticed he was developing a flat spot on his head last week and she showed me what I can do to help him NOT favor that side.  The Dr. was impressed with my intuitiveness and knowledge of child development (even thought that may have been my background- which was funny cause that's what I wanted to go into.)  It felt good to get that compliment but at the same time I thought to myself why wouldn't I learn about what my baby should and shouldn't be doing?  Same went along for the cleft talk...she was impressed by mine and Mark's involvement on cleft.  She said some parents still tend to be clueless, I thought that was interesting. 

She also informed us about our chances of having another baby with a cleft.  It increases 3-4%.  It will also increase for Cooper when he has children and possibly Cannon (more so if they are identical).  When Mark and I are ready to conceive again she let us know that I should (along with prenatals) start early on a folic acid.

I'm a believer that babies and children will do things in their own time and we need to be careful as to how far to push them... but if there are things that can help him succeed I will be all about providing that for him. 

The boys will be three months tomorrow, I'll get to that tomorrow...I never knew how much worrying a mother does about her children.  All parents want for their kids is the absolute best and we will do everything under the sun to make sure the best is provided. 

Cannon says hello

Sleep deprived mommy and daddy.

Ate us some meatloaf for dinner and time for me to hit the hay while daddy takes the 9:00 pm - 1:00 am shift.  Yes, we started shifts, and I LOVE it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cranio Appt #2

We met with Cooper's craniofacial team today and it looks like they're okay with setting a date for his lip repair.  I should be getting a phone call from the surgeon's scheduler within the next few days and we will set a date for the middle of April.  A few days prior to his surgery we'll go back in to check his weight again and check blood levels and make sure he is well enough to proceed. (If not it will be postponed)  The surgeon said he will most likely stay the night in the hospital just to be monitored. 

During his lip repair he will also get his nose straightened out.  The recovery period is 7-10 days.  Cooper will wear casts over his elbows so he can not touch his face.

I have some mixed emotions about it all. I like his face the way it is.  I hate holding his pacifier in his mouth in the middle of the night.  I don't want to see him in pain or an any discomfort.  I don't want to spend the night without him.  I don't want people to keep starring at him the way they do. 

I'm sure he'll do great, the kid got mine and Mark's spunk plus some more.  I know that none of this will hold him back from anything he wants to do, ever.  He is a little rockstar.

Cooper's Cleft Palate

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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