- We're Growing!
Cooper - HOLY MOLY high maintenance Cooper! He's gassy and fussy. I'm in the process of attempting to transition to formula because the boobie sucking machine is taking up way too much time and it's hard to manage the boys while being attached to it. Well Cooper hates all formula and he lets me know. It's a chore to get him to take formula bottles and I usually pay for it later while he is screaming with a tummy ache. He loves to be cuddled and will let anyone have the honor. So far I've noticed that he loves to sleep on his tummy and if it wasn't so taboo I would let him. He sleeps so much better and I do think he has the head strength to do it. He also puts weight on his legs, we can stand him up and he bounces a little. Pretty good for his age. We're still working on the weight gain, I tend to stress about it so I had Mark go buy me a baby scale. According to that scale, he's just under 8 lbs. He really enjoys the swing and of course hates being naked and getting his diaper changed.
Cannon- My mother nicknamed him M&M for Mini Mark. Many people are starting to say he looks like Mark. I don't really see anyone in either of them but okay. Cannon is like a garbage disposal, he's a GREAT eater! Taking 100 mls every 2-3 hours. I am also guilty of giving him anything Cooper didn't finish. (I hate wasting my milk) So if Cannon has weight issues in the future, yup that's my fault. Cannon is (most days) my low maintenance child. He will sit in the swing, the bouncy, the boppy. He's a pretty chill kid. He also ROLLED OVER last week. From belly to back...NOT fond of tummy time.
Both boys are puckering their lips like they're about to coo any day and I'm waiting excitedly. They make little smiles here and there and I'm still not sure if its gas or real. They're BEYOND gassy, but they're such beautiful babies (of course I would say that, they're mine). They both have colds as I finish typing this post (cause it's taken me two days, like most posts do.) I'm actually waiting to hear from the doctors to see if it's RSV which would mean a hospital visit. I hate seeing them sick, it's no fun at all.
It's scary how fast this is going. Do I want it to slow down right now? I'm not gonna lie, NOPE. This is tough, very tough. I was just telling my sister the other day that if I had a fast forward button I would be very tempted to push it. I am constantly reminding myself that I'll never get these days back and one day I'll look back and wish I could rewind time but SHIT, I don't know that I care right now. However I will say that I'm adapting. Things may not be getting easier, but it's easier to deal. I'm learning the boys cries and I'm better at assessing their needs, so I guess that makes the process of baby care a little less stressful. I'm also beginning to realize that this is for keeps, they're not going back inside my belly, this is for keeps. For KEEPS, FOREVER! The lack of sleep still sucks. I'll never get those nights back. Mark and I are still adjusting in our new added roles to our lives, while attempting to make time for one another. (Probably the hardest part of it all.) I want to set a good example for these boys and in order to do that, mom and dad must be on the same page, reading at the same pace. We're working on it.
I still can't believe I'm a mother. What's even more crazy, I already know this soon that I want to do this again....I see more kids in our future. :)
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